We included 100 Flat map pins (Included in Regular & Extended license)
we understand the importance of icons in a map as it is the key to understanding it and hi-lighting important parts of it, this is why we included 100 flat icons* along with map pins templates that you can use on your maps.
Icons are part of the full icons bundle at roundicons.com – 34,000 unique hand crafted icons
If you need more icons you can get the full icons bundle at a very discounted price with 30% Off using this coupon code: ISOMETRICWOHO
*Icons included in your isometric maps purchase can be also used in both personal and commercial projects.

1000 Isometric Icons add-on (Included in Full Bundle Extended license)
If you wish to add even more icons and isometric elements to your designs we are offering a special isometric icon pack that will really amaze you. This 1000 icons pack is already included in the Full Bundle Extended licence
Icons are part of the full icons bundle at roundicons.com – 14,500 icons Bundle
If you need more icons you can get the full icons bundle at a very discounted price with 30% Off using this coupon code: ISOMETRICWOHO
*Icons included in your isometric maps purchase can be also used in both personal and commercial projects.



Food and Drink

Fruits and Vegetables

Business and Finance

Buildings Elements


Street Elements

Nature and Road Elements

Furniture and Home Appliances


Travel and Outdoor Essentials

Mobile Applications

Medical and Healthcare

Love and Valentine




Social Media
